1. There is no gravity in outer space
In fact, there is gravity in space - very much. The reason that the astronauts did not seem there is a burden because they orbit the Earth. They fell to Earth, but moving sideways to avoid it. So, they are always falling but never landed. Gravity does exist in virtually all space (present but can be felt). When a space shuttle to reach orbit altitude (about 250 miles above Earth's surface), gravity is only decreased by 10%.
2. Lightning never grabbed the same place twice
The next time you see lightning and you think to run to the place of strike to protect ourselves from further attack, remember this! Thunderstorms are grabbing the same place twice - in fact, is very common. Lightning prefer certain places such as tall trees or buildings. In the large field, the highest object has most likely struck by lightning several times to move away to find new targets. Empire State Building hit by lightning 25 times a year.
3. Meteor become hot because of friction when entering the atmosphere
When a meteoroids entering Earth's atmosphere (a meteor), actual speed of the compressing air in front of the object that caused the object to heat up. Is the pressure in the air resulting in enough heat to make the stone very hot, so bright when viewed from Earth (if we're lucky to watch the sky at the right time). We also need to reject the myth of the meteor when it arrives at the Earth's heat - a meteorite. Meteorites are always cold when it arrived on the mainland - and in fact often found coated in ice. This is because the stone is very cold from a trip through outer space so that when it entered the Earth's heat is not enough to burn the outer layer.
4. A coin is dropped from a very tall building could kill pedestrians below
This myth is so common that it becomes cliche in several films. Myth is that if you drop a coin from the top of tall buildings (like the Empire State Building) - This coin will get a speed that can kill a person if the man landed on the ground. But the fact is, the aerodynamics of a coin is not enough to make it dangerous. What will happen is people affected by the coin is just feel knock his head - of course they survived the "disaster"is.
5. Brain cells can not regenerate
The reason for this becomes increasingly common myth is that this myth is believed and taught by the scientific community in the long term. But in 1998, scientists in Sweden and the Salk Institute in La Jolla, California found that human brain cells can regenerate. Previous long believed that the brain is complex can be disrupted by the growth of new cells, but studies have found that memory and learning centers of the brain can create new cells - gives hope to cure diseases like Alzheimer's.
6. There's darkest side of the moon
Actually - every part of the moon illuminated at a time by the sun. This misunderstanding arises because there is the darkest side of the moon that never seem to Earth. This is caused by a locking wave; this is due to the gravitational pull of the Earth to the moon was so strong that the moon only show one face to us.
7. Foods that fall to the floor is considered safe to eat when taken back in five minutes
This is nonsense, which certainly known to many people. If there are germs on the floor and the food landed on it, they automatically stick to the food. Also, eat germs and dirt are not always a bad thing because they help us build a strong immune system.
8. Polaris is the brightest star in the northern hemisphere night sky
Sirius is actually much brighter with the magnitude of -1.47 when compared with Polaris is 1.97 (the lower the number, the more bright stars). The importance of Polaris is that the North signifies its position in the sky - and therefore also this star dubbed "North Star". Polaris is the brightest star in the constellation Ursa Minor and is the North Star at this time when the pole star changes over time because the stars show the slow movement of continuity to the axis of the Earth.
9. When the body is exposed to the void of space, the human body explode
This myth is the result of science fiction films which use them to provide interest in the storyline. In fact, humans can survive 15-30 seconds in space when they exhale before exposure to vacuum (this prevents the lungs burst and sends the air into a vein). After 15 or 30 seconds, a lack of oxygen causes unconsciousness of self that leads to death due to run out of breath.
10. Evolution cause something to move from "low" to "high"
Yet the fact is that natural selection does not remove the healthy gene from the gene pool, there are many cases when an organism is not perfectly safe. Examples are fungi, sharks, shrimp, and moss - everything remains the same all the time. These organisms adapt to their environment without changes.
Another taxon is also a big change, but no change for the better. A number of beings experiencing environmental changes and adaptations are not too good against the new atmosphere. Match them to connect with the environment, not changing.
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