Jumat, 06 Mei 2011

10 Failed Software From the World Leading Software Company

Microsoft, Apple, Adobe, Google, Yahoo, Symantec, and Corel are seven large companies operating in the field of IT. Brands they have become the quality assurance for all products issued. But did you know that Microsoft, Apple, Adobe, Google, Yahoo, Symantec, and Corel has produced products that are not acceptable to the market or it could be said to fail. Here we present 10 products will fail in the market from Microsoft, Apple, Adobe, Google, Yahoo, Symantec, and Corel. Maybe even more than most people have never known this product.

1. Microsoft Liquid Motion

Microsoft Liquid Motion is a tool to create animations and interactive environment of a Web site. In addition, Microsoft Liquid Motion provides the facility to publish the HTML files that are ready to be uploaded to the server. Microsoft Liquid Motion also take advantage of cross platform languages ​​like Java, JavaScript and VBScript. The point of this software to function like adobe flash, capable of displaying moving applications within a site, unfortunately its appearance was received less attention than programmer2 in the world .. Finally, due to poor popularity, in 2000 Microsoft announced not to continue development of this software

2. Microsoft Money

Microsoft Money is a personal financial manager software made ​​by Microsoft. The software is built for Microsoft Windows operating system that runs on an IBM PC or compatible only, although now also available an application used for Microsoft Windows Mobile. The latest version, released in August 2007, called Microsoft Money Plus, available in four editions: Essentials, Deluxe, Premium, and Home & Business.

A statistical facts did show that sales of Microsoft Money recent months has declined, although the most likely decision to stop Microsoft Money had been taken long before this trend is visible. Matt Rosoff, an analystsaid the the decision to stop Microsoft Money may be simply to cut spending ,again because of the effects of a global recession .

Having recently stopped Microsoft Encarta and Digital Image Suite Microsoft seems there are indications will be more focus to the cloud services and corporate solution rather than to a small business. I do not know why Microsoft always lose when fighting in the small business market and end-customer.

3. Microsoft Picture It!

Microsoft Picture It!, photo editing application that Microsoft released in 1996. the features of Microsoft Picture It! almost the same view adobe photoshop. Once again this software is less popular in the market because of competition with better software that is Adobe Photoshop. In 2006, after Microsoft released Windows Vista, this software is no longer being developed by microsoft.

4. Apple Cyberdog

Before the apple has a safari browser, in 1996 Apple released a software all-in-one suite to rival the popularity of internet explorer and netscape. Cyberdog itself is a software "OpenDoc-based suite of Internet applications" that the contents of the email application package, news reader. FTP and web browsers. However cyberdog very greedy of memory and support of document format compatibility is limited (because it uses OpenDoc format-based) finally announced the apple does not continue to develop this software and operating system to replace their default browser to Internet Explorer. New in 2003 safari replaced internet explorer as default browser.

5. Adobe Persuasion

Adober Persuasion, a presentation maker application (like microsoft power point), it is clear the reason why this software can sink? hehehe ... This software defeated the popularity of microsoft power point, although they have been providing tools to import the file format microsoft power point, it turns out this feature does not help his popularity. Adobe finally announced to not continue the development of this software in 1997.

6. Adobe LiveMotion

Adobe Live Motion Adobe released in 2000, this software is designed to compete directly macromedia flash who was a winner in the animation editing software. And had to guess why software development is stopped, software sales are not in line with expectations and can not compete adobe macromedia flash popularity at the time. Finally in 2005, Adobe acquired Macromedia and produce successful software adobe flash.

7. Google Video Player

Google Video Player, software that is used for watching video from google, if you never download videos from Google Video Search then this is the software used to run the video.

Why bother using Google Video Player? This is because Google uses its own video format have the extension *. gvi (google video files) and *. gvp (google video pointer). In line with the development format2 another video, google video file format is being abandoned. Peak in 2007 google decided not to continue the development of "google video player" also remove the "google video files format".

8. Yahoo Messenger Vista

Who does not know yahoo messenger? The most popular chat applications in the world, but not all applications are successful in the market yahoo messenger. Yahoo messenger vista is one such example, this version was considered a failure due to bad quality of the webcam streaming and chat features that are less stable, finally yahoo no longer develop this application and switch to yahoo messenger version 11.

9. Norton AntiBot

Norton AntiBot offers protection on the computer from hacker attacks like, hijaking PC, malware attacks, preventing attacks webroot, but in reality it often crashes the application with other applications that cause a BSOD (Blue Screen of Death). Finally in 2009, Symantec announced it is no longer developing software.

10. Corel Family Pack

Corel Family Pack contains the software all-in-one for editing photos, videos, presentations, data analysis, and documents. This ambitious software is an important breakthrough to rival products from Microsoft such as Microsoft Office and application of adobe. But unfortunately, the software with a lot of content is less enthused. This is because almost all software is in it can be searched free version such as open office, Photoscape, etc.. Corel finally decided to no longer sell the software.

Kamis, 05 Mei 2011

7 Very Amazing Floating Mosque

1. Mosque in Jeddah

2. Floating Mosque Dubai

3. Floating Mosque in the Straits of Malaka

4. Tengku Tangah Saharah Mosque, Trengganu

5. Haj Ali Mosque, Mumbai, India

6. Floating Mosque, Tanjung Bungah

7. Grand Mosque, Ternate, INDONESIA


8 Benefits of Banana Skin

1. Purify Water

According to a study in the journal Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, a banana peel can filter out heavy metals, especially lead (Pb) and copper (Cu). Chop the banana peel into small pieces and then inserted into the contaminated water. Chopped banana peels can dugunakan up to 11 times without losing its ability to absorb heavy metals.

2. Accelerating Wound Healing

Wounds that had started to dry itchy skin because it closed off the hardened flakes. Fragments that can be eliminated more quickly simply by rubbing a banana peel, because it will react with the enzymes contained therein.

3. Relieves Pain

Vegetable oils contained in the banana skin has certain compounds which merit as a pain reliever. Attach the banana skin is clean and still fresh to relieve pain in severe burns or scratches.

4. Fertile soil

Not only for the compost mix, banana peels can be directly dumped into the ground just to fertilize plants in the vicinity. Banana peel contains potassium which is needed in plant growth.

5. Shoe polish

No need to panic if one day run out of shoe polish, provided there are bananas in the fridge. Peel biuahnya, then use its skin for leather shoe polish to make it look shiny like it had been polished.

6. Treating Warts

Banana peel is believed to have antiviral activity, so many are using it to drive out the warts of the skin surface. How to put a banana peel, then arrested with plaster and allowed to heal by itself.

7. Treating Itching

Itching from insect bites or mild allergies can be overcome with a banana skin. The way is to stick it on the surface of the skin that feels itchy.

8. Burnish Ornamental Plants

Various kind of anthurium plants, waves of love and the like would be more interesting if the leaves look shiny green. Use the inside of banana skin texture is soft to polish it, then leaves it will be shiny and more durable.

10 Myths About Osama Bin Laden

The figure of Osama Bin Laden began to be known until the whole world and feared by all the community after the terrorist network, namely Al-Qaeda has launched an attack action that has undermined the skyscrapers World Trade Centre (WTC), the United States is hit with a plane fly. At that time, bin Laden is known as the leader of al-Qaeda network which is also the brains of the attack.

Therefore, the United States made bin Laden as the main target of the hunt by the military. During the hunt, the many myths circulating about him. Here are some myths that had circulated and proven untrue.

1. Osama 'created' CIA

Osama has never been shown to receive the funds or trained directly by the CIA during the 1980s. Similarly, followers of Osama. There was never any evidence of their direct relationship with the CIA. The truth, is the Afghan Mujahideen had ever known to get funding and training from the CIA, through Pakistan's intelligence service, ISI. Assistance was disbursed during the mujahideen resistance to the Soviets, although not in significant amounts.

2. Osama has abundant wealth

Osama would be forced to leave Saudi Arabia without any possessions at all. After all his assets frozen, he flew to Pakistan and Sudan. Bin Laden's extended family have also been cut off ties with her family. He also did not inherit his father's property. That belongs to bin Laden was in contact with a number of people, which makes it easier to raise funds.

3. Osama is responsible for the 1993 WTC bombing

Ramzi Yousef, the main perpetrators of terror attacks, it might be working for Khaled Sheikh Mohammed who is an independent operator at the time. New Mohammed joined al-Qaeda in 1996 and even keep a distance with Bin Laden.

4. Osama funds from narcotics business

There is never any evidence that the underlying allegation, including the British government document post-9 / 11 about al-Qaeda.

5. Osama has never been in a dangerous situation

It is not true that bin Laden himself to kill the Soviet generals and then seized an AK-47-as is repeatedly claimed Osama. However, various witness reports claim he was involved in a battle in Jaji in 1987 and the last battle of Jalalabad in 1989.

6. Osama lives in a cave

In the late 90's, for the sake of Al-Qaeda propaganda, Osama invite a number of reporters who wanted to interview him in the caves at Tora Bora in eastern Afghanistan. In fact, bin Laden lived in a comfortable complex, near Hadda relics of the Soviet collective farms owned by landlords stempat. In 1999, he then moved into a housing complex near Kandahar.

When killed, bin Laden lived in a comfortable home in Abbotabad, Pakistan. Between two that period, there is no evidence whatsoever that bin Laden had lived in caves. Al Qaeda's senior leaders are also looking to stay in a number of semi-fortress homes were common in the region local tribes.

7. As a young man, Osama often partying in Beirut, before becoming militant and fundamentalist

There is no evidence about this. Young Osama exactly known as a shy and obedient figure, a young mate, and often spend time to study the scriptures.

8. Osama nearly died of kidney disease

A number of reports, among others, including fail-fail at Guantanamo, which was called Osama has a urinary tract diseases. But, the disease is certainly far from serious to make him die. More likely, he had problems with his back which caused him a high figure (about 1.95 meters) and lacking a lot of motion.

9. Osama hiding in Kashmir, a group leader

Chechen, was responsible for several acts of violence in the Philippines and Indonesia, organizing terror attacks in Madrid 2004 and have extensive networks in Paraguay, sub-Saharan Africa and South Africa. All claims, which were raised by various countries or the intelligence services during the last decade have been shown to have no foundation for any evidence.

10. Osama Arsenal fan

Osama bin Laden is rumored to be fans of Arsenal, after enamored with the game the Gunners during his visit to London in 1994. Osama is also rumored to have rewarded the Arsenal jersey with the name of Ian Wright for his son, Abdullah. Although Arsenal fans reportedly often shouted: "Osama, woah, woah, Osama, woah, woah, he's hiding in Kabul, her love Arsenal", but it was definitely bin Laden is not a 'church' faithful of this north London club.